
from here


This is how I feel right now.

photo by Pedro Ramos



It's good to surround yourself with people who make you happy.

Christopher David Ryan

I really wanted to see this not so much for the story line but for Julianne Moore's hair and makeup and the John Lautner house Colin Firth's character lives in. I don't think I will get to see it in theaters so for now I will just admire the lovely poster.



My sister and I dream about having a stout little bean of a guy like this one.

I think men's clothes are so much better than women's most of the time. If any guy wore this I would marry them in a heartbeat. And I have that shirt.

Brigitte Inspired.



Pigeon Kitty.

My dad says my cat purrs like a pigeon and if he had wings he would fly away.


To Be Away...

While I love being in school and studying design, I am just a tad jealous of all my friends who are abroad right now. I wish I could be off exploring some far flung destination, of course with a customized Goyard travel wallet in hand.


When it's been raining for the past week, pictures like this make me yearn for summer fantasies of playing gin rummy and sipping mint juleps under the sun. Blogging has proved to be a rainy day catharsis.

School Gear.

My swedish backpack and giant moleskine portfolio are the answers to prepared yet stylish school toting.

Saw this on my friend Molly's blog and laughed:

“The addicts of crossword puzzles are also distracting themselves. They also don’t want to face the world’s grief head-on. They want that transient pleasure, endlessly repeated, of solving the Rubik’s Cube of verbal intersection. But has anyone ever wept at the beauty of a crossword puzzle? Maybe, maybe. I have not.”
-Nicholson Baker, The Anthologist

I am a crossword addict. I love them. The above statement is most definitely true. My friend Paul took this picture of me doing one in class. Yes I was doing it in pencil which I realize is sacrilegious.


In love with this muted pink and green color pair.

This picture screams luxury to me because of its utter simplicity. Luxury to me is doing a crossword, sitting on the street people watching, a fresh coat of chapstick...

Pink Tower.

I've wanted a pink Montessori block tower since I saw reigning blog queen Lena Corwin's. My friend Catherine was so sweet and got me one! It's the kind of simple toy that my kids are only going to be allowed to play with. When we move it's going to be the dining room table centerpiece.

Lena Corwin's

work by Andrea Übelacker



First Apartment Purchase.

I bought these ultra thin glasses from CB2.

Massimo Vitelli

Words to Live By.

Inspired Interiors.

I obviously have a thing for tulip tables, wire chairs, and framed walls.