My Love/Hate Relationship with Facebook.
I can never decide whether or not to keep my Facebook up. At the core, I detest Facebook. I held out in high school for as long as I could before I inevitably gave in and created a profile for college. I don't like the superficiality of Facebook or how it used as a showcase for people to display these fabricated lives that they create. While I have this blog where I post about things that I find of interest or aesthetically pleasing, I don't use it as a platform to discuss my personal life or daily occurrences (I do occasionally use it to rant like this however). I personally don't want every little detail of my life publicly known. The people who I want to know about what's going on in my life are actively a part of it already. While these are the reasons I constantly delete my Facebook, it can be extremely useful. It's great for keeping in touch with people who I wish were in my life more or for getting back in touch with people who have unfortunately been absent in my life because of distance or just busyness. So after a long hiatus, my Facebook is now back up... but it can only be a matter of time before I panic and take it down again.