A few years back I indulged my mom in watching a CBS special on religion. Though I scoffed at most of it I was totally intrigued by Mata Amritanandamayi, otherwise known as India's Hugging Saint. Millions of people flock to Amma's ashram to be hugged and bestowed upon with her blessing. Though most people might find this to sound totally ridiculous, I wanted nothing more than to be lovingly embraced by the energy of this adorable women. When I found out she was coming to LA I told my mom we had to go. So on Friday my mom and I waited a crazy 12 hours from 8pm to 8am to be hugged. It really was one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had. As soon as you approach her there is this strong energy that radiates from her and you can't help but feel totally blissful and transcended.