I have recently been inspired. After I tolerated a somewhat miserable college experience, I realized there was no way I was returning back. I hate Boston possibly more than any other city I have been to. I no longer want to study writing with rickety old teachers who make a subject I once found interesting barely tolerable. If this were not enough, I can no longer force myself to socialize with a bunch of vapid hipsters whose knowledge of anything hip, other than looking hip, is actually quite limited. Maybe I am being harsh, but I can't help but criticize every detail of a school that forced me to resort to daily doses of anti depressants and weekly therapist appointments. And I really missed the west coast way of life. A point that was intensely reinforced when I discovered that lack of sun results in lack of happiness. Now, I can forget all of this nonsense because I have finally made a decision and its never felt more right in my entire life. I am going to stay in LA, take design classes, and then apply to design school. I do have to give some credit to that one year I barely managed to get through because it made me realize what I am meant to do. Unless I am studying something that is focused around aesthetics and that I can professionally pursue in LA, I will never be happy. Because who was I kidding myself, publishing is a new york thing. Anyways my reason for blogging again (despite the fact no one reads it but me) is because I feel creatively rejuvenated after tweaking my future plans. I also renamed my blog after my beloved grandparents, Henry & Libby, both artists, who I can probably thank for passing along to me their aesthetic sensibility.