I just started my blog, partially out of boredom, but also because I just wanted a way to keep track of things that interested me or I felt like taking note of. There are so many posts in one day because I am with my family in Vermont for the holiday weekend and it turns out Vermont can be a tad dull sometimes. We went to the Ben & Jerry's factory today, apparently Vermont's largest tourist attraction, which is saying a lot. We also had some really bad fast food at Al's, which is okay though because it spun off some priceless laughing fits. My family likes to go to bed really early so I just keep posting things since this blog is a novelty right now. In a week posts will probably be obsolete. We are driving back to Boston tomorrow though and I started to stress out about the research paper I have to write on Grey Gardens and how far behind I am. Grey Gardens is one of my most favorite films ever though and everyone needs to see it right away if you haven't. If you don't know what it is, wikipedia it.