
kate spade ads are amazing.

i don't like kate spade stuff but her ads are beyond adorable and well conceived.

currently reading...

what I am reading now

jay birds for jay bird.

i want these earrings because they are cute. i don't have pierced ears.



this makes me happy.

Wes Anderson is an aesthetic genius.

The New Beverly.

While I am on my LA high, I can't say enough how much I miss the New Beverly Cinema. They play the best double features and I love the dicey 70's porn theatre interior. Plus, they show the original trailers of all the films they plan on showing in the future, a nice touch indeed. I plan on attending many shows there upon my return.

I Love LA.

I miss LA so much and this A.P.C. ad makes me miss it even more. I want my palm trees.


thank you.

Mary & Matt have an amazing blog that I look at on a regular basis but I particularly love how they decided to take pictures of different plastic shopping bags that say thank you on them. Look at their blog and check out their flickr for all the other bags they managed to find.

I want to be Brigitte.

I want to be Brigitte Bardot. Everyone who knows me really well knows this fact.

nothing really.

I just started my blog, partially out of boredom, but also because I just wanted a way to keep track of things that interested me or I felt like taking note of. There are so many posts in one day because I am with my family in Vermont for the holiday weekend and it turns out Vermont can be a tad dull sometimes. We went to the Ben & Jerry's factory today, apparently Vermont's largest tourist attraction, which is saying a lot. We also had some really bad fast food at Al's, which is okay though because it spun off some priceless laughing fits. My family likes to go to bed really early so I just keep posting things since this blog is a novelty right now. In a week posts will probably be obsolete. We are driving back to Boston tomorrow though and I started to stress out about the research paper I have to write on Grey Gardens and how far behind I am. Grey Gardens is one of my most favorite films ever though and everyone needs to see it right away if you haven't. If you don't know what it is, wikipedia it.

my rest of november playlist.

I love making playlists for anything I can think of making one for. This is my one for the rest of the month. There are some old favorites on here and then some new ones for good measure.

Time Capsule 21

Andy Warhol would do this crazy thing where he would make time capsules of his life by putting all of this random stuff in cardobard boxes and tape them up when he felt it was finished. Many of these boxes were believed to just be random boxes of his stuff but they turned out to be dated and numbered. One of the boxes, #21, was made into an online website by the Warhol Museum. You can view the contents of the box and there is also random tidbits of information on why Warhol found it of interest.

Frick Beyers.

I am beyond obsessed with the photographer Frick Beyers. I love that he takes pictures of rundown, desolated places and the quality of light is amazing. Look at more of his photos at his website.

M + B.

The first place I am hitting up when I get back to LA (besides the Griffith Observatory) is the M + B gallery, which always has the best photo exhibitions, including my personal favorites Joseph Szabo and Hugh Holland.


Yesterday I saw Control. The film is about the short life of Ian Curtis, frontman of the band Joy Divison. The movie is almost like a series of really beautiful black and white photos. Not suprising considering the director, Anton Corbijn, photographed the band all throughout the 70's.